Friday, July 24, 2009

The Faith Radar Screen

Much was made about the "big switch" that occurred in television in June. Stations went from broadcasting on an analog channel to doing it on a digital channel. Millions of dollars was spent on educating the public as to how television reception would change forever. In order to receive television broadcasts now if you aren't already on cable or satellite, you must have a converter box. If the box isn't hooked up properly or isn't turned on, you can't watch tv anymore.

The story of the crippled man in Acts 14 is a classic example of faith. Paul was busy preaching the gospel and a man who had been crippled since birth was listening closely. Paul was able to see this man had faith in Acts 14:8, "Paul perceived that he had faith to be healed and said with a loud voice, 'Stand upright on thy feet'. And he leaped and walked." That man could have thought, "Well, Mr. Know-It-All, if I could stand up on my feet, I wouldn't be sitting here right now!" Reasoning and unbelief will keep you out of God's best blessings.

Unbelief can be disguised as wisdom. Your intelligent mind may see no mighty work. Have you ever heard someone say, "Well, the intelligent thing to do is..." or "Have you lost your mind?"

Some people are afraid to "lose their minds" and let go of their own thinking and opinions. They are afraid to let go and let God have His way.

I imagine God has a faith radar screen. He's looking for people to get in faith by believing what He says in His Word, walking by faith, praising Him, thanking Him and holding fast to their faith confession. But faith has to land before it gets results. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." At times, people who appear on God's "faith radar screen" come in for a landing. Then all of a sudden, something happens. Doubt comes in, feelings well up, we begin to think intelligently about the situation and fear sets in. When this happens, you get out of the spirit and into your thinking, reasoning and into your sight mode. You go off the radar screen. Some people stay on the radar screen for several days at a time, but they drop off as soon as Satan attacks them. God wants you to stay on the screen.

You get on God's faith radar screen by speaking your faith. Simply by speaking your faith, you get back on the radar screen. He is still looking for faith today, but not yesterday's faith. God is asking you and me, "What do you believe today? What are you declaring today? What are you acting on today?"


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