Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Blood Drive

Summer vacation is almost gone and it's time for the yearly summer blood drive! Many of you have seen the commercial for WLBT's Great Lengths hair event which shows my friend Stella and me. Stella is fighting leukemia and has already had to have several blood transfusions. Giving blood has been more dear to my heart this year than it ever has, just because of what Stella is going through.

For this summer blood drive, I wanted to do something related to the military. We are asking for blood donations in honor of those who currently serve in the military or have served in the past. We're also asking people to drop off a shoebox filled with sample hygiene items which we are shipping to our military men and women serving in the Middle East. After going public with this effort last week, a shoe company called and offered to donate all of the shoe boxes for the items to be packed in should someone not have one!

If you're in town this Thursday anytime, July 22, please stop by Mississippi Blood Services and donate blood for "MASH Bash".


The Miller's Blog said...

Awesome! Thanks to all the support for the military. My baby brother just left for Japan 2 weeks ago for at least 7 months. We are so thankful he was not called to go somewhere like the Middle East. However, I am so thankful to all of our soldiers and the sacrifices they make AND the sacrifices their families make. It takes a lot for a soldier to do what they do, and leave behind families. I will definitely be dropping off some supplies.

I was so disappointed to find out that I could not donate blood after going on my mission trip last year to Nicaragua for a year. And I am set to go again in 2 weeks, so again, I will not be able to donate. I do urge all who are ABLE to do so. There are so many who need it. Thanks for the blog.

avidwriter said...

Summer's not almost gone. Fall doesn't begin until September 21st, I believe. I'll take hot weather for a long as I can possibly get it. Don't focus so much on what's coming that you forget to enjoy what's here.