Friday, May 9, 2008

For The Mothers

We all have mothers. I didn't always agree with mine and no doubt, I rolled my eyes at her (and behind her back) on numerous occassions. I used to think that moms just cooked, rocked babies and cleaned house. Now I know those are just some of the responsibilities that most moms take on. Financial guru Dave Ramsey once said that if motherhood were a salaried position, a mother should be paid $149,000 a year! There would be alot of rich mothers out there for sure.

Over the years, I've come across proxy mothers who feel the same way about their "children". You probably know some of them or perhaps you are one: those are women who never bore children or who can't have children, but they quickly find a child to nurture as their own. They babysit when needed, remember birthdays and holidays, take them to get treats, and encourage that child like he was her very own. In my opinion, there is a special place in heaven for all of those "moms".

Allison Muirhead took pictures of me kissing each of my children. Next to each photo is the scripture verse I prayed over and recited for each child while I was pregnant with them. I'm happy to share Lilly Faith's picture and verse with you and hope if you have not done so, you will find a verse for your children. No matter their age and no matter whether they live under your roof or not, I believe it is imperative for us to pray over our children. I've often said if we don't pay over our children, Satan will prey on them at some point in their life.

"I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, will give you a spirit of wisdom and reveltaion so that you may know Him better." Ephesians 1:16-17


Wilson said...

That's precious! Happy Mother's Day!

Angie said...

That is a wonderful scripture Barbie and a beautiful picture. Have a wonderful mother's day. Angie (McComb)

BarbC said...

Wonderful photo and scripture. God gave me a verse for each of my children when they were wee babes that ties in with the meaning of their names. I have prayed those verses and many, many more for them over the years. You are sooo right about satan preying on our children... and he preys on our husbands... our marriages...but God has given us a powerful weapon.. His Word!

Kearsmom said...

Hello Barbie!

Just wanted to say, you and Lilly Faith both looked beautiful yesterday!
