Monday, September 13, 2010

Are You Willing To Walk Away?

If you're like me, sometimes you find yourself at war with what makes logical sense and stepping out on faith. The two are totally different because having faith often doesn't make logical sense!

What you're willing to walk away from will determine what God is going to bring to you. There are several examples in the Bible of people who refused to walk away. Samson refused to walk away from Delilah. Judas couldn't walk away from 30 pieces of silver. Because these men refused to walk away, it cost them dearly.

Hebrews 11 is what I like to call the "Hall of Faith" chapter. It lists people in the Bible who had great faith in what God had called them to do. In many cases, they had to walk away from what seemed reasonable and secure and obey God's calling. Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." You can't be rewarded if you're not willing to walk away and "earnestly seek him". Moses walked away from Pharaoh. Joseph turned his back on his master's wife and ran.

Having faith in God means abandoning all trust in our own resources, abilities and reasoning--all of the things we see. For faith to be present, action is required.

If you can't turn your back on the world, you'll never be successful when it comes to a move of God and the work of God in your life. So how do you know when you're qualified to do what God has called you to do? When you can walk away!


Malinda said...

This really spoke to me this morning. I am about to "walk away" from working outside my home, which I've done since I was 21-years-old, to be with my 2 year-old more. It's scary and there are a few uncertainties. But I know it's where God wants me and what He wants me to do. Thanks for sharing. I pray God continues to use you and your writing to speak to and encourage others as this did me.

The Miller's Blog said...

LOVE it. Our preacher has done a series on the "Hall of Faith" in Hebrews. And that is exactly everything he said. Great blog as always.