Friday, December 10, 2010

The Beacon

The Mississippi College alumni magazine called the Beacon was recently released. I was honored, and frankly shocked, to be their cover story. If you're not an MC alum and want to read the full story, click here: are 4 "web exclusives" which are video interviews. You'll get to see some footage of the behind-the-scenes at the family photo shoot and some of my co-workers at WLBT. When you click on this link, you'll see the 4 on the right hand side of the page:

I hold many fond memories of my years at MC and still hold those friendships dear, even to this day.

(Barbie will be signing books today at the Mendenhall G&G from 10am-Noon.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm an MC Alum and I screamed when I realized it was you on the cover! Great write up! So blessed to "semi-know you".