Friday, November 30, 2007

Don't Cover Up the Country!

I received a phone call from a viewer this week:

"Hi Barbie. I realize you're pregnant and everything. But you are covering up most of the map of the United States. We can't see the weather. Several states are completely gone."

I'm looking forward to being in Kosciusko tomorrow speaking to the ladies at First Baptist Church. (For all of you out-of-staters, Kosciusko is famous for being the hometown of Oprah.)Here is what they have posted on their website and what they sent out to the community:
Barbie Bassett and the FBC Kosciusko Women's Ministry want you to join us for brunch!
Barbie predicts a 100% chance of Son light with a definite shower of blessings.

Date: Saturday, December 1
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: FBC Kosciusko Son Building

Tickets are $10 and include brunch and nursery with reservations. The forecast is bright! So, bring your Bible and Son glasses!

In the meantime, I'm going to work alittle harder at moving around when I'm doing the weather so I won't cover up so much of the country. But I have a feeling I'll be accused of covering up large bodies of water and continents before this is all over!

1 comment:

Elysa said...

Even after having seven children of my own, I'm still amazed at the things people will say to pregnant women. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes here.

I personally am very, very happy for you and your family and hope lots more of our country gets covered by baby-loving folks like you!

Have a great time showing that son-light!

Elysa Mac