Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome Spring!

Today is the first official day of spring. Spring came in at 6:44am. After a cold, wet weekend last week, we will all be able to enjoy this weekend. The bumble bees are out, the jonquils are blooming and the grass/weeds are growing. If you find yourself dealing with a bad case of spring fever, you are not alone!

Today on our 4pm news, my co-worker Stephanie Bell-Flynt and I will be made into Sweet Potato Queens by the boss queen herself, Jill Connor Browne. They are calling it an "ambush makeover" and by 5pm, Steph and I will be gussied up and scary as ever. I'm hoping the popoatizzi won't be there, but I'm sure a few pictures will make their way onto this blog!

A few of you have asked that I post a recent picture of Lilly Faith. It is hard to believe that in a few weeks she will be one year old! Here is a recent photo done by our photographer, Allison Muirhead. If you look closely, you'll see some of her pearly whites trying to poke through the gums.
Have a sunny weekend!


Melanie said...

Have a great weekend!!!!
She is adorable!

John said...

Definitly hard to believe its almost a year.

Wilson said...

My how she has grown! Precious! It's hard to believe that this time last year we were both uncomfortable and counting down the days.