Monday, January 7, 2008

Viewer Emails

And now, it's time for another episode of ...."Viewer Emails"....

Hi Barbie,
We live in Natchez & we enjoy watching your channel, but you are covering up Natchez & Woodville. We have to change channels to get the weather for Natchez because you are covering up our part of the state. We need to see what is going on in our world. Signed, Herbert Arnold

(Another email I received last week, I will not post as it was too sexually explicit. A male viewer had some advice for my husband on how not to get me pregnant.)

Dear Barbie,
It's time to go to the house. That outfit you were wearing on the 10:00 news makes you look like a covered wagon. Give us a break. Signed, Nell McGowan, Grandmother in Crystal Springs


My, my!


Melanie said...

BLESS YOUR HEART!!! Have a great week!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that Christmas is over I guess SOME don't have anything else to do!

Drewe Llyn said...

Those people are jerks. You're beautiful and that baby is worth a million times more than the opinions of small minded people.

Be blessed.

theglenns556 said...

You are kidding me!!!!! WOW!

The Jasper Family said...

Well, I am embarrassed to say that I am originally from Crystal Springs. I can tell you that I do not know this Nell person and am glad of that. Who cares what she thinks!! I guess she never heard "If you can't say something nice...." You are a wonderful person and a terrific Christian. Keep shining your light in the world!!

Christy said...


I am so sorry, Laura Grace thinks you are beautiful. She loves watching "Gracie's Mommy" every night.

DMay said...

Barbie, I can't believe what some mean spirited people can say. You are caring a precious gift from God and if you cover up the entire United States, so be it. They must not know our God or they could not say such things. Bless you and keep up the good work.

Barbie Bassett said...

I received another email last night. I'll post it at a later date. Needless to say, I'm beginning to wonder if we, as a society, truly support women who are trying to have a family AND a career?

Brianne Hudgins Photography said...

Um, I don't know what the issue is in Natchez - but I could see their area just fine last night ;) Your little girl doesn't take up that much room on my screen!

Maybe they need to quit complaining about your tummy & remember that you are growing a person in there, a person who needs room & would kick them for being so mean!