Monday, March 5, 2007

Kroger and WLBT

A week or so ago, I told you about WLBT teaming up with Kroger stores and Midland Weather Radios to sell the weather radios much cheaper than you will find them anywhere else. We were supposed to kick off the promotion last Friday, but Kroger informed us that all of their stores were not ready. Until then, we want to wait until everyone is on board.

One of our WLBT viewers, Kim R, sent me an email thrilled that she found the WLBT display in her Kroger!
Hi Barbie, I wanted to tell you that I waited and got my Midland weather radio today at Kroger. Its got the S.A.M.E. technology individual county alert and I programmed it for my county. This was an excellent buy for $29.95. The one at Radio Shack with the S.A.M.E. technology costs $60! --Kim
I agree, that is an excellent buy. Our sister station in Memphis is doing this, too and the Krogers in Memphis sold out in one day.

On another note, Baby Will is sick again. We rushed to the after hours clinic yesterday with another bout of breathing problems and a double ear infection. The doctor sent us home with two meds plus the breathing treatments. He's become a real trouper with the treatments since we've had to do this 3 times since Thanksgiving.

I arrived in Madison County Court this morning for my jury duty, but apparently all parties weren't ready. We were sent home and told to call back tonight to find out if we must return for tomorrow.

1 comment:

April said...

I plan on going to my Kroger this weekend and see if I can find my radio. Rankin County is good about warnings and things but there are times when the sirens won't go off until like five minutes after the warning has been issued.

Aw, poor baby Will! That's no fun, I know. Poor little guy. I hope he gets better soon! And I pray you have the strength to take care of him. A 14 month old with a double ear infection plus being sick is a lot. I pray you have the patience. But I'm glad he's being a trouper about it. Him and your entire family are always in my prayers.